
5月, 2015の投稿を表示しています

大阪好玩處 彌生人

徐福渡海圖  朋友們你們到大阪除了買東西,去電影城,有沒有想到你祖先,特別是江浙或者從膠東半島來到日本以後的生活嗎。 圖是徐福帶三千男女來日本圖,當然這只是一個神話。但是,至少有三千個男女來到日本,而是在3000年前,比徐福來日本早800年,那些人叫做彌生人 ,安倍總理也是他們的後代。 從關西機場到大阪,如果你乘坐JR到天王寺,中間有個車站叫信太山 (Shinodayama),你的快車可能一瞬間而過,但是如果你膩了買東西,你可試一試用半天時間去訪問你的3000年前的老鄉,生活的怎麼樣,住的怎麼樣,並且欣賞一下大阪的鄉間風景。 從JR天王寺車站到信太山 (Shinodayama)只需要20分鐘左右的時間,但是小心,在鳳(O-TORI)車站要轉乘慢車。大阪彌生博物館和池上曾根遺跡就在信太山車站走路700米的地點。 你一下信太山,就要穿過鐵路交叉口,馬上就發現馬路上鋪著黃沙石,這是為引導參觀客人到遺跡和博物館。 通道兩邊是一個獨特的日本房屋,牆壁的木材都是燒焦的,這並不是火災燒過的,而這是傳統燒杉板壁,把杉板事先燒焦以防木牆腐蝕是老傳統的日本板料。 正在你觀賞這些老房子和門前的花兒,就到了池上曾根遺跡了。 池上曾根遺跡是回复當時村子原狀的一個露天展覽,離開遺跡不遠處就有博物館,只要你稍微事先了解了彌生人,我想這個地方可以給你提供和一般日本遊完全不同的經驗。 我是送人到關西機場後回路去的,從關西機場就要40分鐘,在和泉府中(Izumifuchu)站轉慢車。一站就到。

The Museum of Yayoi

Ikegami-Sone Ruins' Big Well and the God house Just 20 minutes from downtown Osaka, you can get the answers, where the iron-age Japanese came from, what culture related to the ancient China and Korea; How they were living during the period of BC800 to AD300? Except getting those answers, you also can get a relaxing time in an open air village where reproduce the life of the ancients, Yayoi people; and there is an attached →museum let you understand what Yayoi means. *** The Shinodayama station, 信太山, is a JR station of Hanwa line, located in between the Kansai Airport and Tennoji station. After you exit the station, you should cross the railroad crossing. As soon as you crossed it, you will find a road paved with yellow sandstone, which lead you to the Ikegami-Sone Ruins and the Museum of Yayoi culture. The yellow road are sandwiched between unique black-walled old houses, which are made by baked cedar board, the carbonized board to protect the wood wall from corros...